Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Little Elephants!

                                                          Hello again!

 As you can see here are some little Elephants that I got from my Auntie Kylie they are so cute! She brought them back for us from her holiday in Thailand.
I arranged them in really cute poses and took pictures...
and here they are!!!!!

 They have little pom - poms as there tails,
and black bead eyes.  
   I made them do a show!!                                                                               I even made them go on top of each other, and one ran around them!    
 Hope you liked my post.
by Charlotte

Friday, November 26, 2010

The little garden!

                                                               good to see you again!
                                    as you can see I have made a garden... a garden for my LPS's 
              I filed 2 tubs up with soil. I started with the tub that has the pond in it....
                                          and then carried on from there.

 I just got lots of things that would be good to use!
The funny thing is I didn't  really plan anything I just did it as I went along!

and you know WHAT!?.....

It turned out GREAT!!! 

  you can see all I have done in the making of the garden, in these pictures down below,                                                                           Happy looking!!
 Hope you liked my post!

and I'll be doing a post soon !!


Saturday, November 13, 2010


Hello everybody!
This is what I made with William. (he did a different one but I can't find it in the photos!)
I made them at night that's why its dark, but I got my book light and put it above them to take the photos, and it looks like a table light like in the snooker halls. They are made with LEGO and it was sooooo! fun!

We also made a Doctor Who Dalek,... you might not be able to see it very well in this photo but it is right at the back of the photo in the darkness! Aaaaaaaah!!!!
Heh! heh! heh!

You can see the snooker players running away too !

                                                            Thanks for reading my post!
See you soon!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Pokemon LPS!

                                 Hello! A few days ago I made some Pokemon littlest pet shops!
                                    I made a Pokemon cat, rabbit, horse, and dog.                                                      You can see the horse card behind the others,        the rabbit one too! the rabbit had more spikes in the card... but I could only do the colours. I am thinking of taking them to the home schoolers because lots of the kids there have Pokemon cards!
                                                                  O.K. see you soon!