Saturday, November 13, 2010


Hello everybody!
This is what I made with William. (he did a different one but I can't find it in the photos!)
I made them at night that's why its dark, but I got my book light and put it above them to take the photos, and it looks like a table light like in the snooker halls. They are made with LEGO and it was sooooo! fun!

We also made a Doctor Who Dalek,... you might not be able to see it very well in this photo but it is right at the back of the photo in the darkness! Aaaaaaaah!!!!
Heh! heh! heh!

You can see the snooker players running away too !

                                                            Thanks for reading my post!
See you soon!

1 comment:

Carmen said...

Charlotte, that is the coolest thing I've ever seen. I LOVE the lighting - it looks just like that show 'Pot Black' (ask Mum or Dad about it).

And the players fleeing from the Dalek is just a crack-up.

Well done!