Friday, September 3, 2010


Hello everyone !

A few days ago there was a fire,
don't worry I was fine because it was a controlled fire and it was sooo cool!
I took come pics of it to...

We went for a walk later in the afternoon, and there was still burning hot pieces of logs on fire, and they were still smokey, and there was fire underneath the ash making it glow. I thought it was Very Cool! I got to talk to one of the firemen inspecting the fires, and told him about the burning 'embers'. New word, Mum told me...

They have to burn off the dry leaves and branches so we don't have an accidental bushfire, which could be Very Dangerous! Now we are safe. Ahhhhhh :)

bye bye


Beth said...

Absolutely terrific photos, Charlotte. I love the smell of a bush fire, it's special ,of course when it is a control burn, as you said.

Carmen said...
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Carmen said...

Embers - very good word. Versatile. And it's always good to talk to firement

Carmen said...

I mean... firemen.

I can't believe I deleted and reposted because of the typo, and then I just pasted the same typo in!


Charlotte said...

OOh don't worry Carmen.
and thanks I think it is a good word to!!I did feel very cool wen I spoke to the fireman...!

from Charlotte!!!!