Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The big FLOOD!

                    Hello! Sorry I have not done a blog post for a few days because I have been playing with my Pullip dolls, we went to Coochie Mudlo on the ferry,... just been sort of busy.
Anyway, now about the flood in our street, there was a flood last year but not to long ago, the whole road was covered in water!!! There was lots of people out of their houses looking, and one lady was walking through the flood where it was not to deep and she was joking and said that she stepped on a toad! And one of the boys there said "GRIBIT! GRIBIT!" He! he! he! it was quite funny.!!!

 This is a picture of the flooded street.
It was very big and went down to the bottom of the road and flooded lots of the  gardens.
The drain got covered in bark, because all of the water carried the bark from the gardens and it was like a big whirl pool!!! 

Then Daddy went with our shovel and put all of the bark back in the gardens.

 Ooooh! and Angelina was soooo CUTE!!!!

There was a another storm a few weeks later, they said there was going to be hail, and the thing was, Daddy was coming home from work and he stopped of at the shops because we needed stuff anyway, but, Daddy said that lots of hail was hitting the car, but the car and Daddy were OK the bad news was!!!.....
Daddy got drenched in the rain coming to the car!!!

      Hope every one liked my post!



Carmen said...

Isn't Daddy great putting all the bark back in the gardens!

Charlotte said...

yes I know!
I actually wrote two pages of it in a book for mummy to put in our report, and I was talking about that mum and dad look after me!
I wrote that dad put all of the bark back and stopped the whirl pool and then I wrote that that proves that mum and dad really look after me!