Sunday, July 10, 2011

A day out on Miniature trains!

         Hello! A few months ago we went to a train ride place, My Dad's friend Jez works at the train ride place... we had no idea that it existed until he said he worked there! :D

                       They had little stations toooooo !!! :)

Bridges, turn tables and Tunnels.

At the cafe there  I saw a BIG spider under a lady's chair I went over and told her about it and she jumped off the chair and the spider scrambled into a crack in the pavement! :O

        I shall Blog again soon!
                                                                               Hope you liked my post! :)


Carmen said...

Hey Charlie,

that's a great picture of you. And I love the bit about the spider under the chair. You did your duty as a good citizen, telling the lady.

This train place sounds cool. I should come along one day. We'll have to take multiple cars because your family's car is full now — and about to get fuller!

Great post,
love, Carmen.

Chinut said...
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Charlotte said...

Hey Carmen.

The spider was quite creepy because it was all hairy! :O

But yes we will have to take you there some day when we get a bigger car! :D

I was sleeping with my head under my covers last night because it was sooo cold, and now I am a bit drowsy :)

Love, Charlotte

Carmen said...

You should wear a beanie to bed, darling! It has been cold. I think it's warming up now, though.

See you soon xxx